Yeah, this is the book I get for myself when I made my one day trip with Sim to KL.
I don't know why, when I see this book I just want to buy it because I want to read it.
I was so lost in the working world, I hope I can find some answer through this book.
It cost me RM58.
I bought another two books. Total 3 books for RM114. It's gonna worth every Ringgit of my money.
Another two book is from Frank Mc. Court. I had talk about his book on my very first blog post in this blog. I realise the book I read is the second book. I bought his first and third memoir book.
I always think it's worth buying a book. I must pay the author, for bringing beautiful lessons and stories to entertain my life. Not many author are able to write really good book that will dance with my heart and brain.
But I won't watch original, because I think there are still millions of people out there who will watch original. So it kinda makes me think that my contribution is insignificant while the portion of money I have to pay is large.
I still have many books not finish reading yet. There's still many more books I want to read but not able to find time for it. I hope my coming holidays would be able to give me more time to do what I desire to do for long time. Magazines to read, weekly and monthly. I was now so back behind. Need to catch up, or else I would keep reading last month magazines to catch up with the latest copy of magazine.
Back to my main objective of switching on my laptop just to share this important conclusion from the the first chapter of the book.
"It is also true that if you're not actively working to get better at what you do, there's a good chance you're getting worse, no matter what's the quality of your initial training may have been"
Life sometimes is a joke. It's funny how I get a bf like him (someone perfectly opposite) that'll encourage me to read and and finally influence me to love to read.
Life is a sour for now, I hope things will change or improve eventually. Let's pray sincerely - I deemed this as something hard to achieve. I found myself often fail to be truly sincere in my prayers. I wonder how it can become.