Sunday, July 8, 2012

Religion and Dream

Jesus Christ build Christianity
Prophet Muhammad build Islam
Buddha build Buddhism

Suding will build Freethinking religion someday..
Where everyone who believes in it lead a good life at their own.

Robin sharma has formed a new religion.. it's a matter that. will he spread it wide enough to the world and create a syllabus where everyone will worship.

I got inspired of dreaming about building my own religion, during my free days at uni talking about the world with Sim.

I do not fall into any specific religion, because I am open to all learning from all sources. 

I have a desire, a very strong one, to build people. To build people effectively and efficiently. 
But I do not want to waste my energy on people who do not believe me and on people who are greedy. 

Core value, positive energy....
As an engineer graduate, I believe in energy.
Energy cannot be created and damaged according the the law of science.

but energy can be transformed from one source to another.
The mind is the energy transformer.

Lead without title.
Dream without limitation.

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